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Global Network
Thanks to our global network, WHG LLC is on the map among the world's major markets, with a focus on complex projects in the transportation, energy, social, and urban infrastructure segments.
Competitive Cost

White Hand Global Worldwide Access helps evaluate a wide range of vendors, products, and offerings that result in competitive value for our Clients.

Vendor Vetting
Our expert staff create value for clients, shareholders, and WHG LLC alike. We set ourselves apart from the competition by way of innovative, customized solutions combined with our project and engineering expertise.

Pursuing global leadership

We meet the needs of our clients by offering a diversified portfolio of products, by constantly innovating, and by selectively broadening our range of products and services offered

Optimizing profitability

Applying strict investment criteria according to the company’s strategy of expansion, we seek to optimize operating and fiscal efficiency and are thus able to offer attractive profitability to our shareholders.

Sustainable growth

We do our part to contribute to a strong economy by creating stable and competitive employment. We believe that sound business practices contribute to a thriving society and the well-being of its citizens.


PA reference of world in the industry of infrastructure development, both civil and industrial engineering projects. A Group which participates in the development of sectors which are fundamental for the economy. A Group committed to economic and social progress in the countries where it is present.

Who We Serve

White Hand Global servers a wide range of Clients. Government Agencies rely on our expertise to order supplies across the globe. WHG also provides its services to the Commercial sector.